Blog Posts

National Estuaries Week Starts Strong and Ends with a Party!

Restoration Projects Manager, Jen Nix (on right) readies materials for our eelgrass seed dispersal project.

Understanding Eelgrass Decline and Evaluating Restoration Activities

A small waterfall with healthy Poison Oak (Toxidendron rydbergii) pictured in the foreground, growing along Chorro Creek. Poison oak is a native plant that some consider beautiful.

Assessing the quality of aquatic habitats with CRAM

A harbor seal rests in the bay, beneath a sky full of smoke. Photograph by Ruth Ann Angus, August, 1994.

Fire and the Morro Bay National Estuary

A group of students note the plants and animals they've seen on a walk through the elfin forest.

Learn about the Morro Bay estuary with our staff

Even the docents get involved. Christine Lanier (left) and Cheryl Powers (right) look at flowers under a dissecting scope during the “Mayflowers” Saturday Scientists program, which is typically held near Mother’s Day each year. Photograph courtesy of the Morro Bay Natural History Museum.

Saturday Scientists at the Morro Bay Museum of Natural History

Make a Day for the Bay Profile: Wendy Disch

City of Morro Bay Mayor, Jamie Irons (in blue shirt on left), poses with members of the Historical Society of Morro Bay and the Morro Bay 50th Celebration Committee at the time capsule site. A plaque commemorating the event will be installed on the large rock that sits over the capsule.

Preserving Today’s Morro Bay for the Future

Give a Day for the Bay

Keeping it Clean – Our New Video “Clean Water, Great Life”