
A steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) was captured from the Chorro Creek sub-watershed and measured before safely being released back into the water.

Field Updates December 2021: Water Quality Monitoring and Local Steelhead Populations

Volunteer appreciation hike 2021

2021 Morro Bay National Estuary Program Volunteer Recognition

Eelgrass monitoring_landscape_with person_Morro Bay National Estuary Program


Morro Rock and a dense eelgrass bed at sunset

Field Updates November 2021: Eelgrass Monitoring Behind the Scenes

A full stream runs after the October 2021s storm.

Field Updates October 2021: First Rain, Groundwater Recharge, and Runoff

Bioassessment 2021: the results are in! How healthy are local creeks? Plus a new video!

Makenzie, our Monitoring Projects Coordinator, at our site located on the Sandspit. Staff access the site via stand up paddle boards

Field Updates May 2021: Spring Eelgrass Monitoring

Monitoring staff conducts bioassessment site scouting in the Morro Bay watershed

Field Updates March 2021: Volunteer Monitoring Program Updates and Bioassessment Site Scouting

Makenzie, Monitoring Coordinator, takes data while monitoring eelgrass in Morro Bay.

Updates from the Field: Monitoring Eelgrass Expansion

A San Diego Dorid in eelgrass.

Field Updates January 2021: Wildlife, Rainfall, and Flow Monitoring