morro bay national estuary program

George and Estuary Program volunteer, Nick, finish planting eelgrass shoots within a one-meter squared plot.

Field Updates July 2017

The crew of staff and volunteers harvested eelgrass in their assigned locations as the sun rose over Morro Bay. The crew of staff and volunteers harvested eelgrass in their assigned locations as the sun rose over Morro Bay.

Photograph Friday: Fieldwork Before Sunrise

Bioblitz and July 4th Cleanups in Morro Bay

Our Earth Day Pickup and Paddle event drew a wonderful crowd of volunteers who cleaned up the bay and shoreline by paddleboard.

From the Director’s Desk: State of the Bay Update

What Estuary Program stories compel you?

Looking Back Over 2015

The boardwalk path through the elfin forest winds through eight different habitat types, and offers beautiful views of the estuary.

Great Family-Friendly Hikes Around the Estuary

We picked up 18 pounds of trash from the sandspit, which is essential habitat for many birds, including the snowy plover.

Give a Day for the Bay Success by the Numbers

Restoration Projects Manager, Jen Nix (on right) readies materials for our eelgrass seed dispersal project.

Understanding Eelgrass Decline and Evaluating Restoration Activities

A small waterfall with healthy Poison Oak (Toxidendron rydbergii) pictured in the foreground, growing along Chorro Creek. Poison oak is a native plant that some consider beautiful.

Assessing the quality of aquatic habitats with CRAM